Treatments for Aging Hands

Pair of caucasian hands of senior middle aged male isolated against white


The hands can be one of the first places to exhibit signs of aging. Because of their thin skin and constant exposure, the hands can easily develop loose skin, wrinkles, sun damage and age spots. The hands can also lose volume and appear bony and thin. ROXSpa Beverly Hills offers treatments to rejuvenate the hands and help restore a healthy, youthful appearance so you can feel confident with every gesture and handshake.


Gentle chemical peels can be applied to the backs of the hands alone or as part of a comprehensive hand rejuvenation treatment. Chemical peels can improve rough texture on the hands and create a more even skin tone.


Photofacial treatments can target sun damage on the hands to create a healthier, more even look. With gentle laser energy, a photofacial can correct the appearance of broken capillaries and rosacea that so often affect the hands as we move into middle and older age.


Age spots and wrinkles on the hands can make you look just as prematurely aged as grey hair or crow’s feet. Pixel laser resurfacing treatments can address both of these concerns. Any darker pigmented age spots absorb the laser energy, then flake away as the skin underneath rejuvenates and renews.

The most important thing to do is always apply sunscreen on your hands as you would your face. Your hands see as much exposure to the sun, especially when driving.

For more information or to schedule your complimentary consultation, call 310-777-0496. We look forward to keeping you beautiful!

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