Now you can get a laser peel, which gives the best results available, without the pain or downtime associated with lasers in the past. At RoxSpa, there are two types of laser skin resurfacing treatments that we offer for the right candidate: Harmony Pixel Laser™ or the CO² DOT Laser Therapy™.
The Harmony Pixel Laser™ is a fractional ablative laser that represents the best of both worlds for skin resurfacing: it combines the proven effectiveness of an ablative approach with the patient comfort level and convenience of a non-ablative approach.
Harmony’s Pixel Laser™ uses a preprogrammed laser beam, which is passed over the affected skin, removing damaged outer layers. Through the use of heat, the laser stimulates the production of collagen and new skin cells in the underlying layers, while leaving the surrounding tissue undisturbed. As collagen remodels, the skin tightens and the skin texture improves.
Skin resurfacing can also be achieved through the use of the CO² DOT Laser Therapy™. This treatment is ideal for sun damaged skin, brown spots, fine lines, wrinkles, skin laxity/texture and acne scars. Dot Therapy (Dermal Optical Thermolysis) is a new way to transform skin and enhance its overall appearance. Dot Therapy can reverse the appearance of aged or sun-damaged skin, smooth wrinkles and fine lines and minimize acne scars. Many patients see significant improvement within one week of their CO² laser treatment. Your complexion will be clearer and younger looking. The CO² laser provides excellent long-term results with minimal downtime.